Luthiers For A Cause 2022 logo

Luthiers For A Cause 2022

In Benefit of Ukulele Kids Club

What is Luthiers for a Cause? (LFAC)

A program designed to bring together the world’s best luthiers around philanthropy and goodwill.

In the second edition of LFAC, four of the world’s most distinguished instrument builders have come together to showcase their unique building approaches and to make a lasting difference in the lives of medically fragile children.


A custom guitar build in progress
A happy UKC child


To give the gift of music to medically fragile children  around the world.

The Luthiers chose the Ukulele Kids Club as a worthy charity to support.  All of the proceeds from the sale of the instruments will go to benefit the UKC,  whose mission is to harness the healing power of music by sending hospitalized children home with a  ukulele and the gift of music for life.


Each luthier will build a different size instrument to create a family of one-of-a-kind guitars.

They will all be using premium wood from the same Maple and Sitka Spruce tree. These guitars will be sold either separately or as a family. The LFAC program is to be used to educate, entertain and raise money for a charitable cause.

Custom guitar with dark wood

Meet the 2022 Luthiers for a Cause

Steve Grimes
Steve Grimes, building a parlor guitar
Building fine instruments since 1974 Steve Grimes is recognized as a major influence in the world of custom guitars and ukuleles. Working from his Mauibased shop, he produces instruments slowly and meticulously by hand. A founding member of Luthier’s for a Cause, you can learn more about Steve at
Jay Lichty
Jay Lichty, building a medium-jumbo guitar
Proudly serving as a board member of the Ukulele Kid’s Club and a founding member of LFAC, Jay Lichty builds custom guitars, ukuleles, and fiddles that have shipped to customers from Australia to California, from Kazakhstan to Nashville. Built one at a time from his shop in North Carolina, he builds each instrument as if it were for his own playing enjoyment. Learn more about Jay at
Ben Wilborn
Ben Wilborn, building an baritone guitar
Ben builds fine acoustic instruments in Reno, Nevada. Specializing in steelstring acoustic guitars, and the occasional archtop, mandolin or ukulele. Ben tends to make very lightly built, simply appointed guitars with an emphasis on extremely refined details and a powerful, balanced sound. Learn more about Ben at
Peter Robson
Peter Robson, building an OM guitar
Robson Acoustic Guitars logo

Each Robson guitar is handcrafted in his Grenville, South Carolina shop from the best selected woods and materials. Specializing in guitars, Peter’s instruments reflect his passion for tradition and attention to detail. 

Project Sponsors

The following sponsors have generously helped support this exciting project through in-kind and/or cash donations to purchase materials for the luthiers, ship the completed ukes, help with the costs of showcasing the ukes upon completion, etc. Thanks to their support, 100% of the proceeds from the sale of the instruments, all profits from tee shirt sales (stay tuned!) and other pending activities will go to the sole benefit of The Ukulele Kids Club.

Want to join these world-class sponsors? Contact Luthiers for a Cause and let them know how you’d like to contribute!


Four world-class luthiers crafting four one-of-a-kind guitars

Four of the world’s most distinguished guitar builders are coming together to showcase their unique building approaches and to continue the LFAC legacy to make a lasting difference in the lives of medically fragile children helped by The Ukulele Kids Club. Visit their website and social media pages for more information. 


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